The cost for SAT and ACT Test Preparation can add up quickly!! Along with all of the courses we offer, we also offer
FREE SAT prep and FREE ACT prep by offering reguarly scheduled Free SAT practice tests and Free ACT Practice Tests.
Free Full-length Proctored SAT Practice Test
Every 3rd Saturday 8:30-12:30
Reservations Required: click here to register
Free Full-length Proctored ACT Practice Test
Every 3rd Saturday 8:30-12:30
Reservations Required
Free PSAT Worskhop for first 15 students to sign up at our Academy
October 4th, 6:00-9:00pm
Reservations Required
Free Consultations
Your journey towards college begins your freshman year. Our college and career readiness program prepares students with an individualized plan of action through one on one counseling, test prep and workshops. Whether you are just beginning high school or you are celebrating your last year, I will walk you thorugh the process of preparing for your academic and professional future!
-Stephanie F., Director
Call to make your appointment today!